Candidates & Areas

State Senate District 28
Bryce Reeves (R) Reeves’ website
State Senate District 31
Juan Pablo Segura (R) Segura’s website
House of Delegates District 30
Geary Higgins (R) Higgins website
House of Delegates District 61
Michael Webert (R) Webert’s website
Fauquier County Supervisor Races
Marshall District
Regan Washer (R) Washer’s website
Scott District
AJ Krick (R) Krick’s Facebook Page
Center District
Kevin Carter (R) Carter’s website
Cedar Run District
Rick Gerhardt (R) Gerhardt’s Facebook page
Lee District
Daron Culbertson (R) Culbertson’s Facebook Page
Fauquier County School Board
Marshall District
Danielle Dean (R) Dean’s website
Scott District
Clay Cambell (R) Campbell’s website
Center District
Susan Pauling (R)
Cedar Run District
Donna Grove (R)
Lee District * No FCRC endorsement as both candidates are (R)
Stephanie Litter-Reber (R)
Steve Lewis (R)
Commonwealth Candidates